预告:千万别浪费钱和时间,买了浅灰色,收到的是深牛仔蓝,布料也完全不一样,这不是卖家发错哦,这款/颜色我分不同两次买的,给自己/送人,两件都这样,卖家还敢说是有点色差,染缸问题,摆脱说谎别那么离谱,要骗人也不用骗自己吧,我是来之服装的,染布料根本不可能染差染到变牛仔色的, WARNING: DO NOT buy this, Actual item received is a dark denim and not the blue grey picture as shown, Material is also diff,Seller says I should accept the minor colour difference and it is to do with the dye process, Please, don&apos,t lie to yourself, No way you can accidentally dye a denim coloir, I&apos,m from this field, it is not possible。
预告:千万别浪费钱和时间,买了浅灰色,收到的是深牛仔蓝,布料也完全不一样,这不是卖家发错哦,这款/颜色我分不同两次买的,给自己/送人,两件都这样,卖家还敢说是有点色差,染缸问题,摆脱说谎别那么离谱,要骗人也不用骗自己吧,我是来之服装的,染布料根本不可能染差染到变牛仔色的, WARNING: DO NOT buy this, Actual item received is a dark denim and not the blue grey picture as shown, Material is also diff,Seller says I should accept the minor colour difference and it is to do with the dye process, Please, don&apos,t lie to yourself, No way you can accidentally dye a denim coloir, I&apos,m from this field, it is not possible。