When you see my comment, it means that I agree with the product, even though my comments at the moment are duplicated, This aspect is to affirm the service of the businessman, on the other hand is to save oneself time, because bad review I will say directly why, So you can think of it as the quality of the product, In the end, I wish the store a better and better life, and prosperity and prosperity of the Chinese nation。
客服态度差的不是一点半点,换货明明没有收到,非要说我收到了,我是第一次电话填错了,当时有事去外地,好几天不在,就去自己取了,我换货的时候明明备注给我重新寄了,你们自己都给我写的换货地址是我要重新收的地址了,非要寄到原来的地址,没收到就是没收到,一件衣服我至于撒谎,非要说我已签收,发一个签字是柜子的就说是我收到了,可笑至极,我敢用家人地名义保证,换号码地两件衣服真没有收到,气坏我了 , 。
When you see my comment, it means that I agree with the product, even though my comments at the moment are duplicated, This aspect is to affirm the service of the businessman, on the other hand is to save oneself time, because bad review I will say directly why, So you can think of it as the quality of the product, In the end, I wish the store a better and better life, and prosperity and prosperity of the Chinese nation。